As the storage capacity of the hard disk drives emerges with no apparent limit (all hail Moore's law), old disks get obsolete no matter how ground-breaking they were a couple of years ago. I decided to collect some of the old hard disk drives here so that at least their memory would be conserved. The only selection rule for showing an old HDD I had is that I have to have that one somewhere at home :) so my choices will not be equalized in any sense, including technology, manufacturer and so on.
These 5.25" units with their massive metallic case indeed represent some sort of everlasting elegance :)
Even though the electronics of the hard drive was restricted to the most basic functionality (and the rest was done by the control card) it seems quite complex: many application-specific ICs and lots of miscellaneous circuit elements can be spotted.
These old and robust devices did not really follow today's trend of being low-power and silent. According to the data sheet, it consumes up to 12W and has a characteristic head-bang noise when starting up which is a result of the head calibration process in order to find track0. As a conclusion watch the video I made with the clean area cover removed so that we can see what is going on.