
WD MyBook Hacks - Print Server

There are a plenty of tutorials on web on this topic, yet none of them worked for me out of the box, so I put   together this guide with steps that worked for me (mostly based on this and this tutorial).

The printer was a HP Laserjet 2300L equipped with USB connection only. Upon connecting the printer to the storage I encountered the first issue:

~#: lsusb

had no output at all. However

~#: cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/product
hp Laserjet 2300L

revealed that the printer is indeed there so that there is no hardware problem.
What we need first of all is the following:
 ~#: mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb   
so that lsusb will be able to list devices. CUPS is ready to roll now:
~#: ipkg install cups cups-doc cups-driver-gutenprint cups-pdf hpijs

will install CUPS version 1.4.2 and HP printer device drivers.

Contrary to earlier versions in the package repository,  this one works well so no recompile is necessary (so the presence of gcc is not required). The web interface of CUPS will be available at http://IP_of_NAS:631. Since for /admin https is required (and is a good practice anyhow), we still need to create the proper ssl certificate since this automatism fails for some reason:

~#: openssl req -new -x509 -keyout /opt/etc/cups/ssl/server.key -out
/opt/etc/cups/ssl/server.crt -days 365 -nodes -config /opt/share/openssl/openssl.cnf

and then:
~#: cupsd
starts the daemon itself. We still lack the USB printing support which should be available as a kernel modul. This I found here (great thanks for Bertram Winter!). This should be put to the following directory:
/lib/modules/ This can be easily achieved by issuing:

~#: mkdir /lib/modules/
~#: wget http://members.aon.at/berwinter/mbwe/usblp.ko.whitelight -O /lib/modules/

Don't forget to create the corresponding node!

~#: mknod /dev/lp0 c 180 0

So the modul is ready to be loaded:

~#: insmod /lib/modules/
It worth a note that even though /dev/usb/lp0 exists, still /dev/lp0 has to be used.
So now we have three USB related moduls:
~#: lsmod | grep usb
usblp                  12064  0
usb_storage            35936  0
usbcore               120212  4 usblp,ehci_hcd,usb_storage

We can also test whether CUPS also sees what needs to be seen:
DEBUG: list_devices
DEBUG: usb_find_busses=1
DEBUG: usb_find_devices=2

Now we can add the printer on the web interface: https://IP_of_NAS:631/admin
Login/pass are the root credentials. The printer should be visible after choosing "Find New Printer". The rest is quite self-explaining, I chose the corresponding HP Laserjet 2300 PS driver. Note: the "Share Printer" checkbox should be checked! Most of the default options are OK, only paper size has to be changed to A4 (at least in Europe ;)). Some fine tuning includes reduce of maximum amount of jobs and clients as this one is anyhow an embedded system. For this, refer to the following screenshot:

Now the printer should be visible if pressing "Manage Printers":

For the clients the printer will be available as: https://IP_of_NAS/printers/name_of_printer. In Windows one simply has to press Add Printer, choose Network Printer and provide the above address. As for printer driver, Generic -> MS Publisher Imagesetter works well:

It worth a note that here we chose to use the specific driver in CUPS, and issued the client to use a generic (postscript) driver. It can be done in the other way around as well: in that case Raw driver has to be chosen when adding the printer on the server and the specific driver has to be installed on the client.

At this point the only remaining task is to have all of these persistent, so have the CUPS daemon started when the device boots up. For this I made the following script based on this one:



case "$1" in
                if ( [ ! -c /dev/lp0 ] ) then
                        mknod $LPNODE c 180 0
                #/bin/chown sys:lp /dev/lp0

                if ( !(lsmod | grep "^usblp" -q) ); then
                         insmod $MODULE

                if [ -n "`pidof cupsd`" ]; then
                        /usr/bin/killall cupsd 2>/dev/null
        $SETUP -p $PRINTER -E
                if [ -n "`pidof cupsd`" ]; then
                        /usr/bin/killall cupsd 2>/dev/null
                echo "Usage: (start|stop)"
                exit 1

The script first makes sure that the device node exists and the module is loaded (the rest of the usb modules are anyhow loaded on startup). Then kills all instances of the daemon before starting the new process. Note that the printer has to be specifically enabled by lpadmin -p "printer name" -E which is done just after the daemon started.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for a great tutorial!
    I noticed that you have a later kernel ( than I have on my fw2.0.19 (
    Could this be the reason for me getting:
    # cupsd
    cupsd: can't resolve symbol 'stdout'
    How did you install the new kernel?

  3. Hi,
    I made an update through the web interface before installing custom stuff. Note that doing in the other way around might overwrite custom modifications to the system config, although I haven't checked it.
    Anyhow, give it a try with a newer kernel, also issuing an "ipkg --update" and "ipkg --upgrade" might do the trick as well.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi,
    I made all these steps above, but CUPS can't find my printer. It's a HP Deskjet F2420.
    I installed the hplip and hpijs.

    # /opt/lib/cups/backend/usb
    DEBUG: list_devices
    DEBUG: usb_find_busses=1
    DEBUG: usb_find_devices=2

    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 03f0:7611 Hewlett-Packard
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

    # cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/product
    Deskjet F2400 series

    Any ideas what I could do?!?

  6. Hi,
    If it is already missing when you try to add it on the web interface then it is not a driver issue.
    Is usblp module loaded into the kernel?
    Also make sure that /dev/lp0 node is created.
    These are my first and trivial shoots.

    Regarding to the driver issue google found the following page:
    "HP Deskjet F2420 is supported by HPLIP 3.9.10 which is due to be released soon, however we can't give the exact time line as to when it will be released and the release might get delayed if there are some unavoidable circumstances.
    So you can find the HPLIP release 3.9.10 from http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html"

    Good news is that 3.10.5 is already available, bad news is that it is still not ported to mybook:
    ~#: ipkg update
    ~#: ipkg list | grep hplip
    hplip - 2.8.12-1 - HP Linux Imaging and Printing

    Sorry for that, maybe you should give some generic HP driver a try, if available (I cannot check it now).

  7. Hi,

    Well the usblp module is loaded with the command in your tutorial, the same with de dev/lp0 node.

    After I rebooted my Mybook, I had to run this command, mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb, again to see the usb devices.

    I got my MyBook with fw-version 01.01.18
    could this be the problem?!?

  8. just tested it...has nothing to do with 01.01.18...damnit I've no clue...

  9. Let me understand: if you try "Find new printers" your Deskjet doesn't show up. What if you simply add it manually using the button Add new printer?
    I have to admit that I didn't test this, nor can I try it right now.

  10. well...tested this too...I can connect to the printer via Win7...but in cups it says "Paused Permission denied" :(

  11. How did u solved the problem of permissions?
    Paused - "Unable to open device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied"

  12. I solved temporarily with "chown sys /dev/lp0"

  13. Hi,
    Mine says:
    # ls -l /dev | grep lp0
    crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 180, 0 Jan 4 2010 lp0

  14. Hello Attila,
    at first I have to say - really nice tutorial. I already found & read a lot of tutorials regarding hacking WD Mybook, but this one is the best.
    I try to print on the printer connected to MyBook, but - printer is installed, I see printer in cups admin interface, but I cannot load modul usnlp.ko to the kernel, so when I try print test page for example - nothings happend - printer do nothing, is still in idle mode and print job is "done"..

    This is my configuration:
    My Book World Edition (white light) - fw.:01.02.06
    Printer: HP Deskjet F2420
    cups: 1.4.6-1
    hpijs: 2.1.4-1

    I made everything step by step by your tutorial:

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 03f0:7611 Hewlett-Packard
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/product
    Deskjet F2400 series

    installing cups, making ssl certificate until this:

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# insmod /lib/modules/
    insmod: cannot insert `/lib/modules/': Invalid module format (-1): Exec format error

    so when I try

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# lsmod | grep usb
    usb_storage 35936 0
    usbcore 120212 3 ehci_hcd,usb_storage

    As I checked on http://members.aon.at/berwinter/mbwe/mbwe_en.html kernel module was tested with firmware 01.00.16, 01.00.18 and 01.01.16 - but I don't wanna downgrade...Any advice for me? Many thanx.

  15. Hi,
    One post should be enough :)
    Is the usblp.ko the one downloaded from
    http://members.aon.at/berwinter/mbwe/usblp.ko.whitelight ?
    If so, what kernel version reports uname -a ?
    If it is different from, then either the module has to be recompiled for your actual version, or you have to downgrade.

  16. Hi Attila,
    you right - one post is more than enought..:) - I'm so sorry, I cannot post it properly first time.
    Actually, my problem with printing on WD Mybook is resolved. Like usually, problem was somewhere between the chair and the keyboard..:) As I wrote to you - I do everything step by step like in your tutorial, until loading the kernel module usblp.ko.
    I was thinking - that's the problem why I cannot print - but that's no true - not really.
    So, I'm install and configure Cups. After that, when I try to print out testing page from Cups Administration page - nothings happend. Why? Simply, I found answer in one forum - I'm not sure, but the true is - it's works for me. Because when we setup printer in Cups, we select Raw option in model and driver selection. It means, there is no "regular" driver for the printer, cups just forwards incoming raw data to the printer. So, when I try to print test page from Cups web-GUI - it looks like job is done, in the log file is no error messages and the printer do nothing. Of course, because Cups without driver cannot make any regular raw data.
    But, when I install this printer like network printer (http://NAS_IP_ADDRESS:631/printers/PRINTER_NAME), everything works perfectly.
    I'm just edit your starting script like:



    case "$1" in
    mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb

    if [ -n "`pidof cupsd`" ]; then
    /usr/bin/killall cupsd 2>/dev/null
    if [ -n "`pidof cupsd`" ]; then
    /usr/bin/killall cupsd 2>/dev/null
    echo "Usage: (start|stop)"
    exit 1

    Anyway, now everything works, but just for interest, I wanna know what's wrong with the kernel module usblp.ko and why I cannot load it:

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# insmod /lib/modules/
    insmod: cannot insert `/lib/modules/': Invalid module format (-1): Exec format error

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# echo hello>/dev/lp0
    -bash: /dev/lp0: No such device

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# lsmod | grep usb
    usb_storage 35936 0
    usbcore 120212 3 ehci_hcd,usb_storage

    Of course, I downloaded usblp.ko from http://members.aon.at/berwinter/mbwe/usblp.ko.whitelight and I use right kernel version:

    [root@MyBookWorld ~]# uname -a
    Linux MyBookWorld #1 Thu Apr 1 16:43:58 CST 2010 armv5tejl unknown

  17. Hi, ive connected a Canon IP5000,

    cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/product
    shows iP5000
    GUI only shows "looking for printers"

    any ideas?


  18. Hi, I have installed as given in the guide and everything went well without any errors.

    But now when I am trying to open the URL: http://:631/ I am not getting anything and browser is not able to load the page. I tried with https too but without any luck.

    I went to the document root of the cups-doc, i.e. /opt/share/doc/cups, I do not see any cgi scripts or anything.

    Am I missing something here?


  19. Hi,
    cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/product


    "USB2.0 Printer (Hi-speed)"

    my epson stylus photo r285 is not compatibile with cups?

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